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Height : 172
Hair : Silver grey
Eyes : Blue eyes iris yellow
Language : French mother tongue, English fluent, Italian medium level, good bases of Chinese mandarin and African Dyula, notions of russian and arabic


Documentary : 

2019 Historic documentary L’ Amphitrite, central role Bernac

Theater :
2018 Antigone, role main guard Jonas

Movie : 
2018 The 13een Hongs, beautifull central role Aden

Artistic Training : 
2016 Guangzhou, actor training by Martin Russel alumni of the theater french school Jaques Lecoq.
2017/2018/2019 Guangzhou, actor training  » ateliers d’acteurs » by Stephane Ginet alumni of the cinema french school FEMIS and ex teacher of the Cours Florent

Experience : 
1982/1990 France and Europe
interventions dog trainer, valedictorian of a school of dog trainers, owner of 3 kennels, member of the intervention group of the world championship of Formula One( France,Italy,Monaco), recruted by the security service of the french Aerospace etc..

1990/2000 West Africa + Ethiopia
Bush guide and fixer in west Africa, first assistant of the director of the operations of the bigest receptive of the world agencies of adventure travels, and later guide and fixer free lance for professionnals bush travels, photographers,TVdocumentaries, National Geographic etc… During the revolution in Mali, he managed to save the agency and the employees, to maintain safe the office and villa, while the city was on fire and blood. During the revolt in Togo, while a documentary bush expedition he had managed that all the team cross the city saftly, broked barricades with his 4X4 etc… in 2000 kidnaped in the south Sahara with a couple of clients he did that all back alive and safe, when the day after five Dutch people were kidnapped and killed. All that without ever having any outside help, but with boldness, luck and using cultural codes

2000/2011 France + Europe
Primitive art dealer for an international clientele and a member of the company of the art forensic experts, in France for the court of justice and auctions houses, speciality primitive arts.

2011/2020 China
Actor on over 500 productions,TVcommercials, documentaries, TVseries, film, from small roles to main foreign actor roles

Series : 
2017 anti terrorism special forces, central role scientist David Lee ,
2017 Beyond Light Years role Wizard
2018 Hope all with us is well , role father of the husband
2018 You are always with me , role designer James)
2018 The lost Tomb season 2, role Jude Law (Qiu dekai), main foreigner role
2018 Crocodile et oiseau cure dents, role professeur Martin, shooted in France and in China
2018 Diplomacy role swiss diplomat Bauscher
2018 My Girlfriend is an alien, role Filner
2019 Standardized Queen role Karl Lagerfeld
2019 Guitar brothers, role guitar teacher Rivera
2019 Heritage, role père Jacquinot
2019 Lost tomb » Season 4, based on the story of tomb raider, main foreign role Jude Law (actually in post production)

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